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12:22 am - 20 February, 2003

He talks to me through mirrors.

Quite fitting, really, considering the environment in which we work...and the many mirrors that are there.

Anyway, yes...he talks to me through mirrors and it's really pissing me off because the images get distorted.
For example, today, he stands there in a group of people and states that he will have a girlfriend by the end of the month. And that sex is bad.
So he's either just being a complete ass, or he's trying to tell me that he'll go for the whole relationship thing...and can deal with the virginity issue.
Yet he doesn't call I'm inclined to think 'ass'.

What pisses me off more is that I want what I don't want to want. I'm sick of wanting it and I want to not want it anymore.

So I get pissed off and leave without saying goodbye.
We have an exceedingly abusive non-relationship.

Why can't I just have Christian and be done with it?
Again, that's a whole other rant...


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