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My Cast - Who The Hell ARE These People??
Who The Hell ARE These People??

Me (Gillian, aka "Britzilla")

The narrator/author/creator of this diary. I'm a 21 year-old college student/waitress. Although currently in and out of the Theatre scene, hopefully I will be a professional stage manager someday...maybe even for Blue Man Group. Anything else you need to know should be contained in the entries of this diary.

Brian ("the boyfriend,")

Brian is...beyond any shred of doubt...the love of my life. It's disgusting. I love him more than anything in the world. Since this journal is dead, there's not a whole lot about him in it, but it's important that anyone stumbling apon this tomb should know who he is.

Krystle ("the good one," aka "Boobzilla")

My best friend. She rocks.


A close friend of mine from high school. She lives in Oklahoma now, but we visit each other from time to time.

John (aka "Fagzilla")

Everybody loves John. He's the best. He's my card-playing, music-obsessed, overly-expressive friend and I wouldn't have him any other way.


Christian (aka "Bigzilla")

There's so much to say about the history of mine & Christian's relationship. Most of it is already contained in the entries of this diary. I rarely speak to Christian any more.

Other important people include:

Sal (aka "Salzamillion")

Sal is actually one of my closest friends right now. Sal's one of the few people I can talk to about pretty much anything. He has a really weird view of the world, which actually helps sometimes because it lets me see my problems or issues from a different perspective. Other times I just shake my head and laugh because I have no idea how the hell his mind works.

Russell (aka "Renzamillion")

Russell is another one of my close friends. We met at school, but only really started talking once we started working together at the evil place of which I shall not speak. He's into filmmaking and he's the biggest bookworm I've ever known. He also does special effects makeup and magic, and that cool thing Jareth does in The Labyrinth with the balls. That's *really* neat. Russell's my drinking buddy.


Vanessa's the shit. We met working together at the evil place that shall not be named. Found out we have a lot in common. She's my other drinking buddy.

The Family

Mother, Father, both the originals. I have a great relationship with both my parents, as far as parent-daughter relationship goes when said daughter is 20 years old and still living at home. There's naturally the crapulance that goes with it, but for the most part we get along great.
2 Sisters, Mary (17) and Kathy (19). Yeah...

So that's the people in my life. I may add/delete some as they come and go or become more or less of a focus in my entries.


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