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9:19 am - 27 February, 2003
Blue Man Group is Da' Bomb!

I love Blue Man Group.

I say this as though it's a new thing...

Well, it all boils down to the fact that my CDs got stolen back in November/December (don't remember which, it's in here somewhere), so I haven't been listening to much BMG lately...what, with the lack of having a CD.
That was, until I went through the various random CD cases scattered and stacked about my computer desk. It turns out, I was wise enough to make a backup copy of the CD...but no ordinary backup was this, oh no. It has the DVD re-mix of TV Song, and the BMG Vocal Mix of Last Train to Trancentral. Huzzah!
Yeah, I'm a geek.

But at least I'm a geek of something cool. You'll all see! One day! Blue Man Group will be up there with Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin! They will, I tell you!

It's thursday. Thursday means Stone Canyon and music spun by DJ Bliss. Maybe I can convince a certain individual to come with us this week...maybe in my dreams...

I gotta figure out what to wear...


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