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4:36 pm - 28 February, 2003
Quizzes and Hashbrowns

Huzzah! I just took Kyle's how-well-do-you-know-me quiz and I got 100% correct. I rule. I know him better than anyone else who's taken it so far. Yay me!

Last night was fun. Christian was supposed to show but he didn't (surprise, surprise), so I called answer. However, he did call back...once we got home. Still, he called back. Twice, actually. The first time, I didn't answer and he even left a I was happy. Then he let me take him out for hashbrowns at Waffle House today so I was extra happy.

I'm so pathetic.

I think I'm getting sick again. Much with the suckage and the crapulance. Grrr.


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