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1:00 am - 03 January, 2003
Apparently, this year, katie is the man who will make the year. Santa Clause that is. She's wasted. Tee-hee.

Then again, so am I. No, I'm not. I do not have the drive. Or the ambition, so she says. Do they have Santa Clause in England? Yes, but we call him Father Christmas. And we drive cars. But some people ride horses.

What about the lightbox? Englanders do not get sad a lot. Drinking is fun. Especially like fish. A lot.

Katie: What? Oh, I get it. Wait, are you going to post this? You're wasted, you shouldn't be driving the computer. Is this beer? This tastes like ass. Like someone just squeegied an ass-crack.

I apoligize. I couldn't resist. Until next time...


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