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5:11 am - 24 December, 2002
Xmas Gifts and Vampires
Wow...I didn't realize how late it'd gotten.'d that happen...

Anyway, presents are wrapped and under the tree, and I even cleaned my room and lit xmas-y candles and stuff. Hoorah! I love my room when it's would think I would keep it clean, but for some reason, mess just seems to happen.

I still can't believe it's after 5am already. I'm going to regret this in the morning...

I thought I saw Vampire Brian today. We went to see The Two Towers, and I saw a guy that looked distinctly like Vampire Brian from a distance, so I got all excited...but it wasn't him, but I was still excited 'cause of the memory...mmmm...

Vampire Brian is a guy that I met at a Halloween party this year. He came as a vampire. And he did the whole vampireyness thing and then bit me. It was very sexy. Now, for anyone out there reading who does not know...I have a huge, massive, stupendous vampire fetish. It was, perhaps, the most erotic experience of my life (that would be a pretty sorry statement, if I weren't so increadibly attracted to anything and everything vampiric). Unfortunately, I have no way of getting in contact with him, so I'm reduced to hoping for another chance meeting. Bah.

The bite marks still hurt for days. He bruised me. Gaaaahhhhhhhhh...

Uh...yeah...Merry Xmas!


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