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1:00 am - 08 May, 2003
News at 1! TABC: Driving servers and sellers to intoxication!

I just went through the most arduous yet insipid task ever: The online TABC certification course.

For those non-Texans, or Texans who just don't know what the TABC is, they're the fuckers that shut down Los Bastardos. Also known as the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. I already hated them, due to the shutting down of my favorite Rocky Horror cast, but after tonight, I have a whole new reason.

I just sat through four solid hours of the most mind-numbing brainwashing I have ever been exposed to. It was horrific. It was so horrible, in fact, that it ENCOURAGED me to drink! I'm on my fourth beer! Take that TABC! Minor in possession! Minor consuming! Minor under the influence! AAAAAH! I'm under 21 and I've been drinking! Surely my BAC is higher than 0.00! That means I'm intoxicated! *gasp*
Bite me, fuckers. I hate your lousy asses. The state should use our tax dollars more wisely and shut down the TABC and use all of their funding for public transport.

I'll stop there or that will just turn into a whole other rant.

The point of the rant is: I could have aced that test simply by watching the 30-minute review at the end. I did *not* need the previous 3 hours of repetetive drivel I was subjected to. They need to have a TABC course you can test out of. That would be lovely.

Thank you, and goodnight. Cheers!


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