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4:25 pm - 28 July, 2003
work sucks but life is good

My weekends are so damn busy.

Not the fun kind of busy, like going out and having a good time. The crapulant kind of busy. The working double shifts all weekend kind of busy.

I wish school would start so I could have an excuse for being broke...

In other news, things are going well with Joaqin. A lot. I'm happy, which scares me. He's so good to me. "I'm not used to liking that" (Alanis). It's just too good to be true, because he's everything I've been wishing for and then some. So there *has* to be some major flaw. Nothing that's too good to be true is ever true for long.

But for now, I guess I'll just sit back and enjoy the ride. No day but today.


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